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Best video settings for Sony A6300

by | Oct 27, 2016 | Blog, MAARTECH

Several viewers have asked about video settings for the Sony A6300. With so many menu options, it can be confusing, particularly for first-time videographers.

There are two videos in the series. The first covers the basics, and is designed for those who’d like to get started quickly, and want a high quality image. There are some advanced tips at the end.

The second covers two topics for advanced shooters – using an external recorder and configuring picture profiles.

There are several more videos about the Sony A6300 and picture profiles available on my channel:

Sony A6300 review ; Sony A6300 compared to Sony A6000 ; Sony A6300 Profiles, SLog and LUTs . If you’re interested in profiles, I interviewed Jem Schofield, who has some interesting things to say on the topic.

Behind the scenes
I was fortunate to be asked to assist Thom Varey with music shoots for these videos. He has been invaluable in helping me to understand the application of various capabilities in real-life situations.

It’s always a pleasure to listen to live music, and Toronto’s music scene is buzzing with great artists playing nice venues. If you have not heard the O’Pears (part one) or Emily Rockarts (part two) then please take a few minutes to check out their web sites and listen to some of their tunes. You can also  connect with Emily on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

A shout out to Burdock, which although small, has become one of Toronto’s favourite music venues. Also a great place to eat.

My on-camera scenes (on location and in studio) for both videos were shot using the the Fuji X-T2 with the XF 16-55 lens, the VPB-XT2 grip. On camera audio – I’m wearing a Sony ECM 44B, recording dual system to a Tascam DR-70D connected to the X-T2.

The Sony A6300 screens are recorded on an Atomos Shogun external recorder. The A6300 only provides an HD out of the menu (not 4K), so the video is HD. Shots of the camera and recorder are also recorded with the X-T2.

The final scene from Emily’s show is recorded on the Shogun from a Sony A7S II, which offers identical picture profiles to the A6300, but has a larger sensor.

I use a Manfrotto 546/504 tripod/head .

Edited in Final Cut 10.2.3 on a 5K iMac.

Links in the text above are all B&H, if you prefer Amazon, try these: Sony A6300  Fuji X-T2  Fujinon XF 16-55  Fuji VPB-XT2  Sony ECM 44B  Tascam DR-70D  Manfrotto 546/504

I do read and respond to all comments, which are moderated. If you leave a relevant and civil comment without links it will be posted.

For your guidance –
The products reviewed are on loan, and returned after the review unless otherwise mentioned.
In this case, I own the Sony A6300, the 28-105 cine lens was on loan from Sony. I own the Shogun.
I am not sponsored or compensated by any manufacturer, I have not accepted payment to review any product.
My relationship with Fuji: Fuji asked for my assistance with video production, I am helping them shoot and edit videos for the Fujiguys Canada channel. In exchange, they have provided an extended loan of a Fuji X-T2 camera, grip and two XF lenses. No money has changed hands, they have no editorial influence on maartech videos for Fuji or other products.

I am not compensated for my reviews except through Google Adwords. The Amazon and B&H links are affiliate links, I do receive a small commission – but please do not allow this to influence your purchase decision.

I also encourage you to visit and support your local photo/video retailer.

This is an independent, non-sponsored site. It is supported by revenue from Google Adwords and my affiliate relationships with B&H Photo and Amazon. If you make a purchase from an affiliate link on this site, I will receive a small commission.



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