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Sony A6300 Picture Profiles, Slog and LUTs

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Blog, MAARTECH

My first encounter with Picture Profiles, a professional tool now available on several Sony digital cameras, was on the AX1.

Over the last two years, I’ve met with my friends in the broadcast industry, read pro-level texts and experimented with picture profile settings on several models. Although I remain overwhelmed by the capabilities of this feature, I’m starting to understand the basics.

Although I do have a good understanding of broadcast technology, I consider myself a consumer and like to understand camera technology as an enthusiast. Professionals should likely look elsewhere. (See links below).

As a result, I see a great deal of misguided use of profile features like Slog, which first is limited in its implementation on Sony consumer cameras that offer only 8-bit recording; and is certainly not a “makes things better” or “gives me a cinematic look” solution.

I hope this video adds a little light and provides some consumer-level insight.

Useful Links

Sony’s “Help for Creators” site

For further viewing, I recommend Alister Chapman

For further reading, I recommend “The Filmmaker’s Guide to Digital Imaging” by Blair Brown.

Behind the Scenes

A huge thanks and shout-out to my friends at DSC Labs, who not only let me use the XYLA chart, but gave me a scoop on the new XYLA 26 model to be announced at NAB 2016. If you want to measure dynamic range response on a camera, the XYLA chart is the solution. It’s a powerful tool that actually does much more, like evaluating edge bloom, but that’s outside of my interest.

Also thanks to my neighbourhood Benjamin Moore Paint store, who let me use their paint chip wall for this demo.

The remainder of the scenes were recorded at The Excellence, Playa Mujeres. It’s an all-inclusive resort that redefines the term for me. Every day, the events, performances and entertainment exceeds my expectations. And Michelle makes excellent flaming coffees.

All was recorded on my Sony A6300 with menu captures using the Atomos Shogun recorder.

On camera I used a Sony ECM77 recorded on a Tascam DR-70D and input to the A6300. Voice-overs with a Rode NT USB. Edited in Final Cut 10.2.3 on a 5K iMac.

I read and reply to all comments and questions.

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