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Southbrook Winery, Taste the Place

by | Jul 5, 2013 | Blog, MAARTECH

There are so many wines, and so many wineries in Southern Ontario, that I’m sure it’s difficult for them to get our attention. Southbrook’s long blue wall, and some of their innovative events get ours.

My friend Doug introduced me to Southbrook – he’d been familiar with their operation in Richmond Hill. We’ve been attending their “Taste the Place” event for the last five years, and look forward to it every June. Southbrook’s star continues to ascend, this year they were voted Winery of the Year in the Intervin awards.

It’s the opportunity to visit the vineyard, traipse among the wines and taste the new releases next to the vines that produced them. There are several unique aspects to Southbrook’s operation, and spending time with the principals – Bill, Marilyn, Ann – as well as Scott (the vineyard manager) is a unique opportunity to learn more about their history, their culture and their approach to wine-making.

You may look forward to next year’s event (you can sign up for the mailing list on their website at ( however they also have a fall harvest event which offers a similar opportunity to visit and tour the wine-making part of the winery.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, I read and reply to them all.

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